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MEX Muscle Excellence LIQUID L-CARNITINE 5000mg


L-Carnitine is not used like a typical amino acid. Although it is synthesized from lysine and methionine in the liver and kidneys and used for protein synthesis and/or as a neurotransmitter, it also serves as the transporter of fatty acids to cell mitochondria. Thus, L-Carnitine turns fat into energy and for this reason, it is informally called “muscular energy”. Due to its vital role in fat metabolism, it is believed to be of great assistance in fat burning and weight management. Fat, which has more than twice as many calories per gram as protein and carbohydrates, can be utilized as energy during any kind of activity and on any level, which creates a perfect environment for achieving a better performance and for stimulating lean muscle growth. Apart from contributing to a healthy body composition, reduction of muscle glycogen and lactic acid may delay the onset of fatigue, thus increase your endurance.

MEX LIQUID L-CARNITINE 5000 provides the highest dosage of L-Carnitine on the market, a hefty 5000 mg per single serving and an astonishing 125 000 mg per 500 ml. It comes in the form of a convenient, fast-acting and great-tasting drink which, unlike other liquids of this type, can be drunk with genuine pleasure.

MEX LIQUID L-CARNITINE 5000 is especially recommended for vegetarians or those who do not eat red meat, which is the best source of natural L-Carnitine.

Being stimulant free, MEX LIQUID L-CARNITINE 5000 can be used with other thermogenics to attack fat tissue more successfully or simply to complement your diet to help you achieve the best results possible. It is a perfect formula for those who care for good health and general wellness.

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