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RED REX Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) is an excellent source of clean Protein and Amino Acids, making it one of the best protein sources for building muscle and improving exercise performance. With optimal nutritional’s and great taste, RED REX BPI provides a complete protein for sustained energy and muscle development. RED REX BPI has one of the highest concentrations of functional protein out of any of the protein sources. A single serving of this Beef Protein Isolate contains an astounding 24 grams of protein, with only 3 grams of carbs and zero fat. Delivers the serious protein power of beef that is 350% more concentrated than steak! RED REX BPI is also lactose free and a great alternative to whey or milk-based protein for people who are sensitive to dairy products. BPI is also a great protein choice for Paleo Diet followers which focuses on foods that could have been gathered by hunting and gathering during the Paleolithic era, such as meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Benefits of RED REX 100% Beef Protein Isolate:
  • Provides Nutrients For The Development of Lean Muscle Mass
  • Assists With Promoting Weight Loss
  • Supports The Immune System
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Bones, Hair, Nails, and Skin.
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Big Ramy Labs RED REX BCAA 30 Scoops

BCAA 5000MG is an optimized formula with 5 grams of BCAA Amino Acids in the clinically studied 2:1:1 ratio to support your workout and fitness goals by enhancing muscle recovery endurance and performance. Pre & Intra Workout - Our BCAA 5000MG Amino Acid powder is a great choice for a non-stim pre & intra workout sports drink powder because it gives your body the fuel and hydration it needs for explosive workouts. After Workout Recovery - Relax and replenish with our post workout supplement optimized to promote muscle protein building and hydration while also helping prevent muscle breakdown and soreness
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Big Ramy Labs RED REX BEEF AMINOS 300 Tablets

Beef Aminos are made from the finest premium grade Beef Protein Isolate, Beef Albumin and Beef Liver sources. Beef Aminos contains a full spectrum of highly concentrated amino acids as well as many other necessary and essential nutrients, all harnessing the constructive, metabolic potential of beef, ideal support for your muscle growth development. - High-Potency Beef-Sourced Amino Acid Supplement - Triple Support Beef Protein Isolates, Beef Albumin, & Beef Liver - Easy to Digest and Highly Absorbable Tablets - 1g Beef Aminos Per Tablet - Daily Source of Amino Delivery - No Fat or Cholesterol
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RED REX BEEF MASS is the perfect tool to help you reach your size, strength and muscle-building goals. RED REX Beef Mass Gainer offers high calories through ideal macronutrient levels to help you reach your daily caloric intake to build lean muscle mass. - Containing 720 Calories, 137 grams of Carbohydrates, 50 grams of Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate, only 1 gram of Fat and Zero Cholesterol. Making this part of your daily post workout plan, is a sure-fire strategy to get some serious growth.
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RED REX BEEF MASS PLUS is the perfect weight gain tool to help you reach your size, strength and muscle-building goals. Beef Mass Plus gainer offers high calories through ideal macronutrient levels to help you reach your daily caloric intake to build muscle mass. Containing 1,340 Calories, 284 grams of Carbohydrates, 50 grams of Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate, and only 1 gram of Fat. Taking this after a workout is a sure-fire strategy to get some serious growth. RED REX BEEF MASS PLUS Benefits: High-Quality Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate Protein is essential for building and preserving muscle mass, and therefore very important during a bulk. RED REX contains high quality of Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate, which is an amazing supplement for bodybuilding. RED REX contains 50 grams of BPI which is an ideal amount of protein to fully spike muscle-protein synthesis. Muscle protein synthesis is the process of building real muscle mass. Rich In Carbohydrates RED REX Beef Mass Plus gainer contains 137G a rich amount of Carbohydrates. These Carbohydrates supply you with the required energy for an intense workout. RED REX Carbohydrate Complex which is brilliant for building muscle with a combination of fast and medium digested carbs like Maltodextrin and Pea Starch that are easily absorbed, and perfect carb for boosting muscle. Added Creatine Creatine HCL helps provide the energy your muscles need for strength gains. It supplies the extra spurt of energy that sustains and boosts muscle power during high-intensity exercise. Creatine is stored in muscles, where it can be converted into phosphocreatine and used for energy. Increasing your daily intake of Creatine can boost the levels of phosphocreatine in your muscles, which helps improve athletic performance.
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Big Ramy Labs RED REX GLUTAMINE 5000MG 60 Serv

L-Glutamine is the most abundant Amino Acid in the human body. Amazingly, around 60 percent of your skeletal muscle is made up of Glutamine, and your body uses and depletes it rapidly - especially in active individuals who workout or play sports. As an Essential Amino Acid, Glutamine is critical in minimizing muscle breakdown, supporting endurance, helping gut function and enhancing nutrient absorption.   Benefits of Glutamine Supplementation: - Can Accelerate Recovery Times & Reduce Soreness - May Restore Immune System Health - Supports Improved Digestive Health - May Help Improve Strength Gains - Has Been Shown To Improve Hydration
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STOMP PREWORKOUT is a complete domination Preworkout that will have you roaring into the gym to conquer your workout. Delivering energy and ferocity you will be crushing PR's. Stomp contains 7.5 grams of powerful pump drivers Citrulline, Citrulline Malate, Arginine AKG and Nitrosigine® driving increased blood flow for massive pumps. Clinically Studied Ingredients Found In STOMP Are:  CITRULLINE L-Citrulline is the non-essential amino acid known to boost nitric oxide production in the body. Reduces Fatigue: Unlike other amino acids, Citrulline doesn’t build proteins. Instead, it plays an important role in the urea cycle, helping your body to get rid of harmful substances, particularly ammonia. By reducing ammonia accumulation in the muscles as a response to intense exercise, muscle fatigue reduces, and physical performance increases. Vasodilatation (PUMP)- It also plays an important role in widening your blood vessels (vasodilation) and may play a part in muscle building. Citrulline supplementation helps those in different sports by modulating blood circulation and energy metabolism. Through an increase of nitric oxide, L-Citrulline increases the blood flow. This is important to deliver nutrients to your muscles during intense exercise. Improves Athletic Performance: Several studies show that Citrulline may help to improve your athletic performance. It may do this by increasing the amount of oxygen in your muscle tissue. While supplements may not help your body use more oxygen, they could help improve the oxygen usage in your muscles, which can then help to improve your endurance. CITRULLINE MALATE Citrulline Malate is the combination of L-Citrulline with Malic Acid, which is believed to increase absorption rates and bioavailability. For most people, the preferred natural nootropic tends to be L Citrulline DL Malate since it may increase arginine and nitric oxide levels while also promoting energy output from the malic acid. This offers a double benefit that many bodybuilders and athletes look for. One study found that men who took a Citrulline Malate supplement were able to do 53% more repetitions than those who took a placebo. The supplement also appears to have led to reduced muscle soreness two days later. BETA-ALANINE  Beta-Alanine is a natural amino acid produced in the liver.  Pre-Workouts with Beta Alanine are for the athlete who wants more—more reps, speed, muscle, focus, and more personal records. As the leading ingredient in the top sports nutrition formulas, Beta-Alanine helps athletes of all abilities push past plateaus and reach peak performance. If your goal is to constantly redefine what your “best” looks like, then Beta-Alanine is your fuel. Several studies have reported that Beta-Alanine supplementation can increase high-intensity intermittent exercise performance and/or training adaptations. Benefits to all athletes taking Beta-Alanine supplement may include:
  • Build better muscle faster
  • Extend endurance
  • Enhance mental focus
  • Speed recovery time
Beta-Alanine regulates the amount of the molecule carnosine that can be stored in the muscles. One of carnosine’s roles in our muscles is to assist with the regulation of lactic acid levels. When a muscle contracts repeatedly during exercise, it becomes more and more acidic. This, in turn, impairs its ability to continue contracting and you end up developing muscle fatigue. Carnosine has been shown to reduce lactic acid accumulation in your muscles during exercise, which leads to improved athletic performance. NITROSIGINE® Nitrosigine is a patented complex of bonded Arginine Silicate that is scientifically engineered to deliver benefits essential to peak sports performance. It has been shown in numerous clinical studies to have extensive nitric oxide (NO)-boosting capabilities, with both short- and long-term anabolic benefits. But the proof is in the pump, and Nitrosigine is shown to boost muscle pump and increase muscle volume. In a clinical study Nitrosigine elevated blood Arginine levels for up to six hours, which means a greater NO release long after your training session is over. It was even shown to increase energy levels both immediately and over time. L-ARGININE A-KETOGLUTARATE (AKG) There are two parts to this supplement — L-Arginine and A-Ketoglutarate. Each have a different function. L-Arginine Helps Build Muscle Mass & Improve Performance Arginine is a nonessential amino acid, which means that the body makes it on its own. Many foods also contain Arginine. It’s role in the body is to regulate the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a natural vasodilator, meaning that it makes the blood vessels larger in diameter, allowing increased blood flow. Because of this surge in blood flow, muscles receive more oxygen and nutrients. These include carbohydrates, other amino acids and hormones. As a result, Arginine users are able to work out longer. Muscles can also recover faster since, in theory, the toxic byproducts formed through exertion are removed more quickly. In one study, L-Arginine improved performance among male athletes. In another study, Arginine helped enhance competitive swimmers with faster and more intense intervals. Arginine can also help build lean muscle mass. It’s one of a few essential amino acids that can spark protein synthesis. Thus, as a catalyst for protein synthesis, it can lead to faster muscle repair and increased muscle mass. In a study, protein synthesis rates were higher among groups who consumed Arginine. Finally, Arginine can increase insulin production and decrease the amount of free fatty acids in the blood after workouts. As a result, muscles are able to absorb any extra glucose or nutrients in the body and use them to build muscle tissue. A-Ketoglutarate Provides Energy Boost A-Ketoglutarate is involved in the production of cellular energy. More energy means less fatigue during workouts. In addition, A-Ketoglutarate helps the body preserve levels of another protein-building amino acid, Glutamate, during exercise. More energy plus more Glutamate equals more muscle. N-ACETYL L-TYROSINE L-Tyrosine is a nootropic supplement that helps to enhance your brain, mood, and stress response. Tyrosine is an amino acid precursor for three important neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. By improving the rate of neurotransmitter synthesis, Tyrosine stimulates the central nervous system. It appears to function as an adaptogen by relieving physical symptoms of stress, such as mood swings. In addition, Tyrosine stimulates Human Growth Hormone.  Also known as growth hormone (GH), it plays a key role in growth, body composition, cell repair, and metabolism. L-Tyrosine, on the other hand, is one of the best supplements for counteracting the negative effects of caffeine like jitters, irritability, fatigue, and burnout. This makes it a great ingredient to balance the caffeine effects found in STOMP. It boosts levels of L-DOPA in the body, which is rapidly converted to the catecholamines—dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine—most affected by caffeine and high-intensity workouts. When you support these neurotransmitters and hormones, you support the key brain functions that they’re involved in, like attention and focus. CAFFEINE   Caffeine is one of the simplest but best nootropic ingredients that increases your alertness, improves your attention and reduces your reaction times.  It has been shown to improve muscle power and endurance, without increasing how hard the activity feels (the rate of perceived exertion). Numerous studies have shown that Caffeine can benefit athletes in endurance performance, high-intensity exercise and power sports. Results showed that Caffeine benefited trained athletes the most. It works by dilating widening) your blood vessels, which increases blood flow to your muscles which can benefit performance. Caffeine can also help to improve your brain power in the short term, making it easier to focus on the muscles that you’re working during training or playing a sport.
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Big Ramy Labs Redrex EAA+Creatine HCL 30 serv

Redrex EAA+Creatine HCL is an efficaciously dosed essential amino acid formula that is unlike any other amino acid product out on the market today. Not only does Redrex EAA include a full-spectrum EAA matrix featuring 3 g of EAA’s and 6 g of BCAA’s but we added a focus and hydration complex as well. Redrex EAA+Creatine HCL contains 750mg of HCL Creatine which is a powerful compound that supports the production of energy within hardworking muscles. Creatine HCL is a rich source of creatine hydrochloride to help you improve your protein metabolism, volumize your body cells, and increase the production of secretion of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Not only that, but it also breaks the weakness of muscle tissues, leaving you with extra energy and a better muscular shape.   Key Components 
  • Enhances muscle production and growth
  • Improves training performance and endurance
  • Helps delay fatigue Boosts energy during workouts and all day
  • Superior taste and convenient powder that mixes well
  • Improved brain function
  • Mental acuity and memory
  • Balances cortisol levels
  • Enhances power output and muscular contractions
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