Advanced Collagen Protein for Skin and muscle toning protein from Salmon.
A unique Body altering and skin toning formula with SALMON Collagen and amino peptides that naturally enhances vitality and performance. Scientific proven to improve BMI and aids in fat loss. Collagen is widely known as a important contributor for skin healing and wrinkle smoothing effect.
Advanced collagen protein is a brand new, 3
rd generation protein, made with strength, fitness and health in mind. It has a unique ability to improve the body’s BMI (Body Mass Index).* Advanced collagen protein can be used before, during and after your workout for effective results. Advanced collagen protein is not a typical protein beverage. It can be used as a sports drink, but it does not contain any carbohydrates. You can compare the use of Advance Collagen Protein to that of BCAA: it is easy drink, and is completely free of milk, milk protein, egg protein or vegetable products.
The composition of Advanced collagen protein is purely from isolated protein peptides derived from Salmon.
Advanced collagen protein is the result of a decade’s worth of innovation and patented technological development which has established complex, natural enzymatic processes to release protein structures from bio marine raw materials. Advanced collagen protein is produced through a certified, patented and sustainable process.
Our demand of quality is your security:
Using Advanced collagen protein
Mix 10 g Advanced collagen protein in 4 dl cold water. This beverage goes well with breakfast – to quickly release amino acids into the bloodstream after a good night’s sleep. Use it as a thirst quencher during the day as well as before and after working out. The stomach is not affected due to the fact that all the protein structures are converted to peptides and absorbed very easily.
Advanced collagen protein is a unique product
Norwegian bio marine technology is the best in the world. It has, after years of massive investments, finally released the protein DNA from bio marine raw materials on a commercial scale. This is the best protein product the world has ever seen! Just try it and dare to compare!
This is what you get from Advanced collagen protein
- Large contents of protein
- Quick restitution
- Collagen step 3
- Thirst quencher
- Scientifically documented effect
- Improved BMI
- Improved endurance
- Peptides 98% hydrolysed
- Speedy absorption
Protein is essential for the body
The body needs protein to function, repair itself and remain healthy. We expect that the body will take care of the wear and tear from working out, stress and injuries. For this to happen, it is important that the body receives the best tools in order to perform and do the work – day in, day out. Be a team player and provide the body with the best prerequisite – Advanced collagen protein.